
Secret City Battleground is the first Bangladeshi FiveM based PvP server. It has been around for several years and continues to be a popular destination for gamers from all over the world. The game offers an intense, fast-paced experience that puts players in control of their own destiny as they battle it out against opponents in an urban setting. Players can choose from a variety of weapons, vehicles, and tactics as they fight their way through each mission or match with up to twenty other players at once.

© 2020-2023 – SCB

Secret City Battleground: SCB

Secret City Battleground is the first Bangladeshi FiveM based PvP server. It has been around for several years and continues to be a popular destination for gamers from all over the world. The game offers an intense, fast-paced experience that puts players in control of their own destiny as they battle it out against opponents in an urban setting. Players can choose from a variety of weapons, vehicles, and tactics as they fight their way through each mission or match with up to twenty other players at once.



+ High Jump in Quick Mode
+ Now you can customize car from Safe zone
+ Customize Recoil System

❌ QuickZone Blip Removed


6231b8aa 9b91 40b1 9cb2 1f21aef5feb8 Secret City Battleground SCB
We hope you find awesome gear that lets you play at your very best! GG and see you on the streets of SCB!